Lyx BUG with CJK InputMethod on Linux

zecy chiu zecychiu at
Sat Oct 19 10:48:38 UTC 2019

Hi, dear Lyx developers,

I use Linux and have some trouble with typing Chinese in Lyx: the candidate
box can't follow the cursor when editing with *Ibus* or *fcitx*.
[image: Screenshot from 2019-10-19 18-36-20.png]
I noticed that Lyx was written in Qt5 which fully supports the two input
framework, in fact, they work well in other Qt5-based software like *Texstudio.
*So I think this may be a bug of Lyx
[image: Screenshot from 2019-10-19 18-38-48.png]
You can reproduce it on  Linux system, here are some info about my

OS: Manjaro 18.1.1 Juhraya
Kernel: x86_64 Linux 4.19
DE: GNOME 3.34.1
WM: Mutter
IM: ibus, ibus-libpinyin

Anyway thanks for your works. It'd be better if you can do something with
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