2.4.2 crashes on the command line on Silicon too

Eberhard W Lisse nospam at lisse.NA
Tue Sep 24 21:42:05 UTC 2024


I have now updated to Sequoia 15.0 and still get the crashes.

As this messes with my workflow I have had to resort to stuff like this
bash fragment (but in my Makefile of course).

   LYXPIPE="$HOME/Library/Application Support/LyX-2.4/.lyxpipe.in"
   rm -f handbook.pdf
   open handbook.lyx
   echo "LYXCMD:P2:buffer-write-all" > "$LYXPIPE"
   echo "LYXCMD:P2:master-buffer-export pdf5" > "$LYXPIPE"

As I need to post process the (handbook.)pdf I need to find a way
to "wait for it" as the write to the pipe returns immediately.

Any ideas?

greetings, el

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