[LyX/master] Add ScrollType BOTTOM and TOGGLE for BufferView::scrollToCursor()

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes lasgouttes at lyx.org
Sat Oct 5 14:00:47 UTC 2024

Le 19/09/2024 à 23:19, Pavel Sanda a écrit :
>> Before I revert that part, did you try to click several times on the toc
>> entry? I personally think that it is a good way to look around cursor
>> position.
> Yes, I tried. I am not against that functionality, but I would like the
> first click puts the cursor on the top.

I reverted the experiment for now. I have to think about the proper 
syntax for the function, probably to allow

scroll top
scroll top toggle  (top, then toggle)
scroll visible top (visible or top)

This would mean (thinking aloud) that the ScrollType enum should be used 
in a bitfield (or would a vector be better?).


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