[LyX/master] Introduce NeedCProtect -1 layout option

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at gmail.com
Sun May 12 06:11:37 UTC 2024

Am Sonntag, dem 12.05.2024 um 05:53 +0000 schrieb Juergen Spitzmueller:
> commit 207eaeee9071cb828a2ab7f4680f8ff92e379af8
> Author: Juergen Spitzmueller <spitz at lyx.org>
> Date:   Sun May 12 07:52:16 2024 +0200
>     Introduce NeedCProtect -1 layout option
>     It turns out beamer frame does not allow \cprotect and errors if
> it is
>     used. Hence we need to prevent it in this context entirely.

Riki, I am tempted to propose this for 2.4.0, although we are very late
in the game and this introduces a slight documentation addition.

The problem this fixes is that beamer frame errors if \cprotect is used
within. This can happen if you have an URL with an underscore or some
other special character within a command (e.g., \alert or \structure)
within a frame (see attached MWE). This is not an exceptional scenario
and I am surprised that I only encountered it yesterday with a
presentation that works with 2.3.x. :-(

If you think this is too late for 2.4.0 it should go into 2.4.1. (or I
put in the thing as a hidden feature in 2.4.0 and add the documentation
for 2.4.1).

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