LyX user file in linux

José Matos jaomatos at
Wed Jul 24 09:40:00 UTC 2024

  this is not a pressing issue but it is something that has been
nagging me for a while.

The user directory is linux/unix systems is by default ~/.lyx

That was the historical location for all programs. The problem with
this approach is that it clutters the home directory for the user.

The amount of dot files and dot directories could be absurd, in the
orders of hundreds.

The solution for this came from free desktop standards with the
creation of a template with several standard dot directories:


The idea is that inside those directories all the files are visible
(this not dot files).

What I would likt to and my main concern regarding this is how can we
detect that? And if ~/.config exists privilege that location as the
default location for lyx.

So my proposal is for new installations to migrate for this location
keeping, of course, compatibility with previous location if it exists.

What do you think? Any idea about this?

Best regards,
José Abílio

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