Bug with SVN usage on V2.4.1 MAC OSX

Robert Betz robertbetz4 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 15 00:56:43 UTC 2024

I am running MAC OSX Sonoma 14.5 with Lyx 2.4.1.

I have my documents under Subversion Version control. When I commit a 
document after changes I am suffering a crash with the following dump 
from Lyx. The crash is repeatable.

Thanks for your assistance with respect to this issue.


Robert Betz

( 1) 1 lyx 0x000000010877a3a3 
: 1 lyx 0x000000010877a3a3 
+ 199

( 2) 2 lyx 0x000000010877a71c 
: 2 lyx 0x000000010877a71c 
+ 139

( 3) 3 lyx 0x000000010847ad9f _ZN3lyxL13error_handlerEi : 3 lyx 
0x000000010847ad9f _ZN3lyxL13error_handlerEi + 350

( 4) 4 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007ff813ec1fdd _sigtramp : 4 
libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007ff813ec1fdd _sigtramp + 29

( 5) 5 ??? 0x00000000b7bb6641 0x0 : 5 ??? 0x00000000b7bb6641 0x0 + 

( 6) 6 lyx 0x00000001085a62c4 
_ZNK3lyx13InsetMathGrid4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii : 6 lyx 
0x00000001085a62c4 _ZNK3lyx13InsetMathGrid4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii + 168

( 7) 7 lyx 0x00000001085b293b 
_ZNK3lyx13InsetMathHull4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii : 7 lyx 
0x00000001085b293b _ZNK3lyx13InsetMathHull4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii + 1477

( 8) 8 lyx 0x0000000108503fa3 
_ZNK3lyx10RowPainter10paintInsetERKNS_3Row7ElementE : 8 lyx 
0x0000000108503fa3 _ZNK3lyx10RowPainter10paintInsetERKNS_3Row7ElementE + 639

( 9) 9 lyx 0x00000001085059e0 _ZN3lyx10RowPainter9paintTextEv : 9 lyx 
0x00000001085059e0 _ZN3lyx10RowPainter9paintTextEv + 154

( 10) 10 lyx 0x0000000108552ba0 
_ZNK3lyx11TextMetrics13drawParagraphERNS_11PainterInfoElii : 10 lyx 
_ZNK3lyx11TextMetrics13drawParagraphERNS_11PainterInfoElii + 2384

( 11) 11 lyx 0x00000001085576b2 
_ZNK3lyx11TextMetrics4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii : 11 lyx 
0x00000001085576b2 _ZNK3lyx11TextMetrics4drawERNS_11PainterInfoEii + 110

( 12) 12 lyx 0x00000001083d1f9d 
_ZN3lyx10BufferView4drawERNS_8frontend7PainterEb : 12 lyx 
0x00000001083d1f9d _ZN3lyx10BufferView4drawERNS_8frontend7PainterEb + 711

( 13) 13 lyx 0x000000010893dcaf 
_ZN3lyx8frontend11GuiWorkArea10paintEventEP11QPaintEvent : 13 lyx 
_ZN3lyx8frontend11GuiWorkArea10paintEventEP11QPaintEvent + 413

( 14) 14 QtWidgets 0x000000010a694cb5 _ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent : 14 
QtWidgets 0x000000010a694cb5 _ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent + 1093

( 15) 15 QtWidgets 0x000000010a73ca1b _ZN6QFrame5eventEP6QEvent : 15 
QtWidgets 0x000000010a73ca1b _ZN6QFrame5eventEP6QEvent + 43

( 16) 16 QtCore 0x000000010a208ee8 
: 16 QtCore 0x000000010a208ee8 
+ 248

( 17) 17 QtWidgets 0x000000010a65b7c1 
_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent : 17 QtWidgets 
_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 241

( 18) 18 QtWidgets 0x000000010a65cb82 
_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent : 18 QtWidgets 
0x000000010a65cb82 _ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 466

( 19) 19 lyx 0x000000010878b617 
_ZN3lyx8frontend14GuiApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent : 19 lyx 
_ZN3lyx8frontend14GuiApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 21

( 20) 20 QtCore 0x000000010a208c16 
_ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent : 20 QtCore 
_ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent + 166

( 21) 21 QtWidgets 0x000000010a68693a 
: 21 QtWidgets 0x000000010a68693a 
+ 3610

( 22) 22 QtWidgets 0x000000010a668bcb 
_ZN14QWidgetPrivate10scrollRectERK5QRectii : 22 QtWidgets 
0x000000010a668bcb _ZN14QWidgetPrivate10scrollRectERK5QRectii + 9019

( 23) 23 QtWidgets 0x000000010a669042 
_ZN14QWidgetPrivate10scrollRectERK5QRectii : 23 QtWidgets 
0x000000010a669042 _ZN14QWidgetPrivate10scrollRectERK5QRectii + 10162

( 24) 24 QtWidgets 0x000000010a694ede _ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent : 24 
QtWidgets 0x000000010a694ede _ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent + 1646

( 25) 25 QtWidgets 0x000000010a7a6bb4 _ZN11QMainWindow5eventEP6QEvent : 
25 QtWidgets 0x000000010a7a6bb4 _ZN11QMainWindow5eventEP6QEvent + 276

( 26) 26 QtWidgets 0x000000010a65b7d6 
_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent : 26 QtWidgets 
_ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 262

( 27) 27 QtWidgets 0x000000010a65cb82 
_ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent : 27 QtWidgets 
0x000000010a65cb82 _ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 466

( 28) 28 lyx 0x000000010878b617 
_ZN3lyx8frontend14GuiApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent : 28 lyx 
_ZN3lyx8frontend14GuiApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent + 21

( 29) 29 QtCore 0x000000010a208c16 
_ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent : 29 QtCore 
_ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent + 166

( 30) 30 QtCore 0x000000010a209d64 
: 30 QtCore 0x000000010a209d64 
+ 820

( 31) 31 libqcocoa.dylib 0x00000001090435f2 qt_plugin_instance : 31 
libqcocoa.dylib 0x00000001090435f2 qt_plugin_instance + 198530

( 32) 32 libqcocoa.dylib 0x0000000109043cf8 qt_plugin_instance : 32 
libqcocoa.dylib 0x0000000109043cf8 qt_plugin_instance + 200328

( 33) 33 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff813f70087 
CoreFoundation 0x00007ff813f70087 

( 34) 34 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff813f70029 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 : 34 
CoreFoundation 0x00007ff813f70029 __CFRunLoopDoSource0 + 157

( 35) 35 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff813f6fdf4 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 : 35 
CoreFoundation 0x00007ff813f6fdf4 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 215

( 36) 36 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff813f6ea71 __CFRunLoopRun : 36 
CoreFoundation 0x00007ff813f6ea71 __CFRunLoopRun + 919

( 37) 37 CoreFoundation 0x00007ff813f6e112 CFRunLoopRunSpecific : 37 
CoreFoundation 0x00007ff813f6e112 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 557

( 38) 38 HIToolbox 0x00007ff81e987a09 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode : 38 
HIToolbox 0x00007ff81e987a09 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 292

( 39) 39 HIToolbox 0x00007ff81e987646 ReceiveNextEventCommon : 39 
HIToolbox 0x00007ff81e987646 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 201

( 40) 40 HIToolbox 0x00007ff81e987561 
_BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter : 40 HIToolbox 
0x00007ff81e987561 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 66

( 41) 41 AppKit 0x00007ff8175dec61 _DPSNextEvent : 41 AppKit 
0x00007ff8175dec61 _DPSNextEvent + 880

( 42) 42 AppKit 0x00007ff817ef2dc0 -[NSApplication: 42 AppKit 
0x00007ff817ef2dc0 -[NSApplication(NSEventRouting) 
_nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 1273

( 43) 43 AppKit 0x00007ff8175d0075 -[NSApplication run] : 43 AppKit 
0x00007ff8175d0075 -[NSApplication run] + 603

( 44) 44 libqcocoa.dylib 0x0000000109042ad4 qt_plugin_instance : 44 
libqcocoa.dylib 0x0000000109042ad4 qt_plugin_instance + 195684

( 45) 45 QtCore 0x000000010a205017 
_ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE : 45 QtCore 
0x000000010a205017 _ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE 
+ 471

( 46) 46 QtCore 0x000000010a2091b2 _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv : 46 
QtCore 0x000000010a2091b2 _ZN16QCoreApplication4execEv + 130

( 47) 47 lyx 0x00000001084762cb _ZN3lyx3LyX4execERiPPc : 47 lyx 
0x00000001084762cb _ZN3lyx3LyX4execERiPPc + 869

( 48) 48 lyx 0x000000010834b79f main : 48 lyx 0x000000010834b79f main + 79

( 49) 49 dyld 0x00007ff813b07366 start : 49 dyld 0x00007ff813b07366 
start + 1942




Robert Betz
E: robertbetz4 at gmail.com
M: +61419249948
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