Difficulties with floating object

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at gmail.com
Sat Jul 6 07:21:12 UTC 2024

Dear Andreas

Am Donnerstag, dem 04.07.2024 um 17:18 +0200 schrieb Andreas Plihal:
> Ad settings window:
>  * required lines: You used to be able to specify it. Now you can
> check the box, but you can no longer enter the number of lines.

Don't see this. I can enter the lines still (and also nothing changed
in that dialog for 2.4.0).

>  * placement (outside, inside, left, right):
>       is not stable selectable. Sometimes it can happen that at a
> certain moment (when?) it can no longer be changed.

I don't see any restrictions to this end in the code, so we need a more
precise recipe to reproduce.

>      I have color boxes that extend over several pages. Let's assume
> that the color box starts on a right-hand page. Somewhere in the
> color box I then insert a graphic that will then - let's assume - end
> up on a left-hand page when printed. Since I want the text to flow
> around the graphic, I insert it as a floating object. Since I want a
> graphic to always be on the outside edge, I therefore choose
> "outside" for the placement.
>     And now this error occurs: the graphic is suddenly on the inside.
> And this cannot be corrected within the color box settings.
>     In such cases I am forced to format the graphic and the adjacent
> text in two columns. But this is very cumbersome because, firstly,
> the alignment of floating objects and multi-columns do not coincide.
> And secondly, I am then forced to attack the multi-column box
> whenever the page break forces the image to be moved. 

Don't know about this, but I wouldn't be surprised if wrap figures do
not work well in tcolorboxes.

> Greetings
> Andreas


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