Graphics Conversion

didiergabory at didiergabory at
Tue Jan 23 17:21:36 UTC 2024

Here it is. 

Here is the command I can see under Tools> Preferences> File Handling> Converters, at the PDF to PNG converter: « pdftoppm -r 72 -png -singlefile $$i > $$o » as you said... I’ll try to increase the dpi 

ps : On these computer svg from inkscape preview is ok so good point. 

----- Mail original -----

| On 1/23/24 04:06, didiergabory at wrote:

| | I am currently in front of my Windows 10 PC at my workplace with
| | which I am experiencing exactly the same symptoms.
| | I followed your instructions, and you will find the requested file
| | attached.
| | I will do the same thing again this evening at home, with my
| | personal
| | computer.

| This is plenty good enough. The difference is indeed what converter
| is being called. In your case, it looks to be low resolution. I'm
| puzzled why this is different on 2.3.7. You could try running the
| same test with it. That would tell us.

| You could also look under Tools> Preferences> File Handling>
| Converters, at the PDF to PNG converter. The command listed there
| will be:
| pdftoppm -r 72 -png -singlefile $$i > $$o
| The -r 72 is controlling resolution. You could try increasing that.

| | ps: The Schemacinematic.pdf document was created with inkscape...
| | Which I sometimes export to pdf because I cannot activate, in the
| | Lyx window, the preview of inkscape documents in the native svg
| | format. However, adding an inkscape in float fig document works
| | very
| | well in pdfLaTex export, so I often do without the preview. Should
| | the preview of inkscape svg documents be operational or is it a
| | configuration problem / choice of settings that I made incorrectly?

| It should work. Here, the SVG to PNG converter is inkscape itself.
| Maybe LyX is not finding it. Again, check the list of converters,
| and see if you have anything for SVG.

| Riki
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