ARM vs Universal Etf
Eberhard W Lisse
nospam at lisse.NA
Sun Jan 14 20:38:37 UTC 2024
When I export from 2.4 RC1 to LuaLaTeX this line triggers the error
whereas it should actually look like
in other words RC1 adds '}' to
{/opt/local, /usr/local}/etc/my.cnf
If I add an open brace '{' to the caption in RC1 ie something like
{/opt/local, /usr/local}/etc/my.cnf{
It balances the closing brace.
Unfortunately the only system where I have 2.3.7 running is my practice
iMac which I have brought in for a routine blowjob :-)-O so I can only
look at this in a week or so.
But it should be easy to lyx2lyx it to 544, open it with 2.3.7 and see
if this does same.
greetings, el
On 13/01/2024 22:52, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 13, 2024 at 09:57:07PM +0200, Eberhard W Lisse wrote:
>> There was one single issue, I had a pair of braces '{}' in a
>> figure caption and it did not like that. 2.3.7 didn't mind. Should
>> I look at an MWE and send that in?
> Yes, please. If possible, make the MWE with 2.3.7 and send that
> file.
> Thanks, Scott
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