Bug reporting not possible

Christian Kral dr.christian.kral at gmail.com
Sat Jan 13 13:27:11 UTC 2024

Dear support team,

I would like to create two bug reports, but I am currently not able to 
create any Trac tickets for the following reasons:

1. My username "christiankral" and the related password are not 
recognized and cause an error:

So I cannot login, even though I created tickets previously, e.g. 

2. I cannot reset my password

The system claims that a new password has been sent to me, but I never 
received such an email.

3. If I want to create a new account at the login page 
<https://www.lyx.org/trac/login> the link to "register"

leads to an error:

Thanks for your support and best regards,
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