LyX 2.4.0 Schedule

Pavel Sanda sanda at
Tue Jan 9 10:11:46 UTC 2024

On Wed, Dec 20, 2023 at 08:47:01PM -0500, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> I've sent a note to the translators making one final call for translations,
> asking for them to be delivered by the New Year. Shortly after that, I will
> package RC2, and hopefully we can aim at an actual release by the end of
> January.

Breakdown of current bugs with 2.4 milestone:
#13022 - regression - LyX modifies unicode in ERT. Anyone to help?
#13017 -  "aux file not found" at export - patch, but Riki is probably waiting for Juergen's input
#10425 - the ongoing story, where to center the cursor after jump; seems currently at JMarc decision how we move with this
#12935 - mac + japanese path encoding crash; Stephan, can you even reproduce?
#12880 - hebrew input/font ecoding - waiting on input from Udi
#13005 - bottom dock can't be enlarged if simple search is used; I can't work on it now, but would like to see it fixed in 2.4, perhaps post RC phase..


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