[for enrico] Question: do we still need that?

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes lasgouttes at lyx.org
Wed Aug 28 14:48:16 UTC 2024

Le 28/08/2024 à 15:54, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes a écrit :
> In createAppplication, we have:
> #if !defined(QPA_XCB)
>      // prune -geometry argument(s) by shifting
>      // the following ones 2 places down.
>      for (int i = 0 ; i < argc ; ++i) {
>          if (strcmp(argv[i], "-geometry") == 0) {
>              int const remove = (i+1) < argc ? 2 : 1;
>              argc -= remove;
>              for (int j = i; j < argc; ++j)
>                  argv[j] = argv[j + remove];
>              --i;
>          }
>      }
> #endif
> Archaeology tells me that it came from win32 code, where the goal was 
> likely to accept and ignore -geometry parameter on non-x11 binaries.
> Can I get rid of it? The current platform is known only after creating 
> the QGuiApplication object, and this requires (argv,argc) as argument.
> Removing silently these arguments seems a bit silly to me anyway.

Forget about it for now, I have found the code in LyX.cpp, which is 
redundant with the code in createApplication, if I understand correctly.


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