Incorrect display of math toolbars on secondary monitor

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at
Fri Aug 23 11:44:42 UTC 2024

On Sat, Aug 03, 2024 at 04:57:04PM GMT, Jin Cao wrote:
> Dear Lyx developers,
> I hope this is the proper way to submit a bug report.
> The math toolbar displays incorrectly on secondary monitors. To reproduce:
> 1. Open test.lyx of the attached file
> 2. Move the Lyx window to a secondary monitor
> 3. Edit an equation
> 4. Click the math toolbar
> You may see the problem as shown in the attached screenshot.
> Additional notes:
> 1. This issue exists in the current release (2.4.1) and previous
> versions (e.g., 2.3.7)
> 2. The problem appears to be limited to secondary monitors
> 3. The toolbar displays correctly when clicked a second time

Dear Jin,

I'm sorry we haven't replied earlier. I'm not sure what the issue is.
It's helpful to know that you see it in 2.4.1 and in 2.3.7. I'm afraid I
can't offer any advice, but I just wanted to let you know we received
your message. I don't know if it is a Qt bug or a LyX issue. I'll keep
my eye out for similar reports.

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