Flush left looks wrong in GUI

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 23:36:45 UTC 2024

On 8/19/24 6:09 PM, Paul Rubin wrote:
> On 8/19/24 15:57, Paul Rubin wrote:
>> Apologies if this is a known bug (or a hallucination specific to my 
>> machine). I recently upgraded to LyX 2.4.0 RC3, and today I noticed 
>> something goofy in a newly started document. So I manually installed 
>> 2.4.1 and found the same issue. I've attached a minimal example.
>> The document should be starting all paragraphs flushed to the left. 
>> In fact, the compiled PDF has that correct ... but the LyX GUI (see 
>> screenshot) shows most paragraphs as being indented. The only 
>> exceptions are those immediately following section(ish) environments 
>> (but not subparagraphs).
>> I presume this is not intentional. Is it a known bug or is my machine 
>> just cursed?
>> Cheers,
>> Paul
> Replying to myself (never a good sign), I think I have identified the 
> problem. My default template, inherited from (and working as expected 
> in) LyX 2.3.6, has (under Document > Settings...) Text Layout > 
> Paragraph Separation set to Indentation: Default. Also inherited, in 
> the LaTeX Preamble, is the following (commented as having been added 
> by lyx2lyx).
> \setlength{\parskip}{\smallskipamount}
> \setlength{\parindent}{0pt}
> So apparently the default template has to be recreated after upgrading 
> from 2.3.x. I deleted the preamble contents, changed paragraph 
> separation from Indentation: Default to Vertical space: Small skip and 
> saved that as the new default document settings. That seems to have 
> fixed it for new docs.
Yes, that's all correct. The default template doesn't always need to be 
recreated, or modified, but in this case it does. It's just a normal LyX 
document, so it's being run through the upgrade process, and in this 
case that changes some things.

It's all due to a change in how vertical space for paragraphs is 
handled. We used to redefine things the way lyx2lyx has added. Now we 
use the parskip package. See bug #4796.


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