Europe CV not compiling

José Matos jaomatos at
Tue Oct 10 22:50:37 UTC 2023

On Tue, 2023-10-10 at 23:58 +0200, Dan wrote:
> Hello,
> I stumbled upon a problem compiling with pdflatex the "Europe CV"
> example. I get the following error, in both languages available:
> Spanish and English.
> Can someone try and reproduce the problem so that I know whether it
> is specific to me or the document itself? Thanks.
> ---------------
>   1. File > Open Examples... > Europe CV.
>   2. Generate the preview of the document.
>   3. Check whether the following error arises.

I get this error repeated several times:

! LaTeX hooks Error: Sorting rule for 'begindocument' hook applied too

José Abílio

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