[LyX/master] Amend 087f6bce

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at gmail.com
Sun Oct 1 09:37:17 UTC 2023

Am Sonntag, dem 01.10.2023 um 12:32 +0300 schrieb Udicoudco:
> What about framed boxes inside colored boxes? (See newfile1.lyx).
> Also, setting a "correct" background color is quite different from no
> background, with regards the internal structure of the pdf.

I'd expect the page color here, actually. Of course, having a
transparent color would be the solution, but we don't have one.

> About not using \fcolorbox when the color is explicitly black, I
> don't currently have a good example, but what about situations like
> in newfile2.lyx? Are we sure a user can't somehow get the wrong
> color? Doesn't seem very robust.

Sure. But \fcolorbox is quite simplistic.


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