[LyX/master] Amend 087f6bce

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at gmail.com
Sun Oct 1 07:57:56 UTC 2023

Am Sonntag, dem 01.10.2023 um 10:47 +0300 schrieb Udicoudco:
> It still looks like \fcolorbox is used with an explicit black
> color. Is this intentional?

Yes, if the background color is non-empty. Likewise, with non-default
frame color, the background color is set to white

This is not ideal (and wrong e.g. with non-white page color), but alas
\fcolorbox requires us to pass explicit colors for both frame and

There are some workarounds on stackexchange for this, but all those
strike me pretty ugly.

This has been the case always, my recent work didn't change that.


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