
Pavel Sanda sanda at lyx.org
Mon Nov 27 10:40:03 UTC 2023

On Sat, Nov 25, 2023 at 11:03:02PM -0500, T Rex wrote:
> I have sent the add request to flathub. The compilations I have made have
> been successful, however I have had to make some unexpected maneuvers to
> allow the program to function correctly, such as editing lyxrc.defaults. I
> don't know if there is a better way. Without the modification the buttons
> to build and view are blocked.
> Here you can find the manifest and other files:
> https://github.com/bztd/flathub/tree/org.lyx.LyX
> I remain attentive to any ideas, suggestions or opinions.

I was considering flatpacking some time ago. The problem with LyX is that
its extremely dependent on many other external utilities to work well.
And it seemed to me that it's difficult to make all that work well.
I will be happy if you prove me wrong.

Sure, you can compile it, but whether that makes that system useful
is altogether different thing. So if you put that on flathub, please
make clear it's limitations, so people know what works and it's not
equivalent to properly packaged version within standard distributions.

Things to test out of my pocket:
- python
- TeXLive / common packages
- docbook
- image conversion via imagemagick
- svg conversion (either inkscape or rsvg-convert needed)
- some pdf and html viewer should be available
- literate prigramming (sweave/knitr)
- many other esoteric things need not to be present but
  at least one could indicate it's missing (lilypond for musical
  notation, gnumeric for sheets, maxima for evaluating math,, rcs/git
  for version control, etc


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