[Offtopic] a5toa4

Pavel Sanda sanda at lyx.org
Tue Nov 21 15:06:33 UTC 2023

On Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 08:48:40AM -0500, Alexander Dunlap wrote:
> None of these tests give me any error messages. However, when I test it with
> the absolute path, the output I get is different. I ran it on a two-page PDF
> and with relative paths the resulting PDF is a single page with both pages
> side by side, in a file called ORIGINALFILENAME-sidebyside.pdf. However, when
> I run it with an absolute path, I get a PDF (in the same filename) with only
> the text "width=!,height=!,pages=-,nup=2x1"

Thanks for your feedback. I do not see any problem here.

One possibility is that pdflatex changed again in new TL version,
second option is that there is something specific about the pdf
which you tried with the absolute path. Or you tried the same
pdf in all three scenarios?


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