Mangled file names in temp dir

Pavel Sanda sanda at
Wed Nov 8 09:44:16 UTC 2023

On Thu, Oct 26, 2023 at 01:23:35PM +0200, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> Possible collision are easily handled by recursive hash(hash(..(hash(string))),
> see attached patch.

Polished patch attached. I will do some more testing before committing to the tree.

-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp b/src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp
index dac61ee449..62577f07db 100644
--- a/src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp
+++ b/src/insets/InsetGraphics.cpp
@@ -575,14 +575,14 @@ copyFileIfNeeded(FileName const & file_in, FileName const & file_out)
 pair<GraphicsCopyStatus, FileName> const
-copyToDirIfNeeded(DocFileName const & file, string const & dir)
+copyToDirIfNeeded(DocFileName const & file, string const & dir, bool encrypt_path)
 	string const file_in = file.absFileName();
 	string const only_path = onlyPath(file_in);
 	if (rtrim(only_path, "/") == rtrim(dir, "/"))
 		return make_pair(IDENTICAL_PATHS, FileName(file_in));
-	string mangled = file.mangledFileName(empty_string(), false, true);
+	string mangled = file.mangledFileName(empty_string(), encrypt_path);
 	if (theFormats().isZippedFile(file)) {
 		// We need to change _eps.gz to .eps.gz. The mangled name is
 		// still unique because of the counter in mangledFileName().
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ string InsetGraphics::prepareFile(OutputParams const & runparams) const
 	// we move it to a temp dir or uncompress it.
 	FileName temp_file;
 	GraphicsCopyStatus status;
-	tie(status, temp_file) = copyToDirIfNeeded(params().filename, temp_path);
+	tie(status, temp_file) = copyToDirIfNeeded(params().filename, temp_path, false);
 	if (status == FAILURE)
 		return orig_file;
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@ string InsetGraphics::prepareHTMLFile(OutputParams const & runparams) const
 	// Copy to temporary directory.
 	FileName temp_file;
 	GraphicsCopyStatus status;
-	tie(status, temp_file) = copyToDirIfNeeded(params().filename, temp_path);
+	tie(status, temp_file) = copyToDirIfNeeded(params().filename, temp_path, true);
 	if (status == FAILURE)
 		return string();
diff --git a/src/support/FileName.cpp b/src/support/FileName.cpp
index 32a5862fdb..7fbd2f4b4c 100644
--- a/src/support/FileName.cpp
+++ b/src/support/FileName.cpp
@@ -957,69 +957,102 @@ string DocFileName::outputFileName(string const & path) const
 	return save_abs_path_ ? absFileName() : relFileName(path);
-string DocFileName::mangledFileName(string const & dir) const
+// check for an existing value in a map
+bool collision_exists(map<string, string> const & db, string const & value)
-	return mangledFileName(dir, true, false);
+	for (auto it = db.begin(); it != db.end(); ++it)
+		if (it->second == value)
+			return true;
+	return false;
+/* replace the above, once we support C++17
+        for (const auto& [key, val] : db)
+                if (val == value)
+                        return true;
+        return false; */
-string DocFileName::mangledFileName(string const & dir, bool use_counter, bool encrypt_path) const
+string DocFileName::mangledFileName(string const & dir, bool encrypt_path) const
 	// Concurrent access to these variables is possible.
 	// We need to make sure that every DocFileName instance for a given
 	// filename returns the same mangled name.
 	typedef map<string, string> MangledMap;
-	static MangledMap mangledNames;
+	static MangledMap mangledPlainNames;
+	static MangledMap mangledEncryptNames;  //separate table for xhtml() route
 	static Mutex mangledMutex;
 	// this locks both access to mangledNames and counter below
 	Mutex::Locker lock(&mangledMutex);
-	MangledMap::const_iterator const it = mangledNames.find(absFileName());
-	if (it != mangledNames.end())
+	MangledMap * mangledNames = encrypt_path ? &mangledEncryptNames  : &mangledPlainNames;
+	MangledMap::const_iterator const it = mangledNames->find(absFileName());
+	if (it != mangledNames->end())
 		return (*it).second;
 	string const name = absFileName();
-	// Now the real work. Remove the extension.
-	string mname = support::changeExtension(name, string());
+	string mname;
-	if (encrypt_path)
-		mname = "export_" + onlyFileName() + "_" + toHexHash(mname);
+	// xHTML route
+	// we use hash instead of counter to get stable filenames in export directory
+	if (encrypt_path) {
+		// sanitization probably not neccessary for xhtml, but won't harm
+		string sanfn = support::changeExtension(onlyFileName(), string());
+		sanfn = sanitizeFileName(sanfn);
+		// Add the extension back on
+		sanfn = support::changeExtension(sanfn, getExtension(onlyFileName()));
-	// The mangled name must be a valid LaTeX name.
-	mname = sanitizeFileName(mname);
-	// Add the extension back on
-	mname = support::changeExtension(mname, getExtension(name));
+		//various filesystems have filename limit around 2^8
+		if (sanfn.length() > 230)
+			sanfn = "";
-	// Prepend a counter to the filename. This is necessary to make
-	// the mangled name unique.
-	static int counter = 0;
+		string enc_name = "e_" + toHexHash(name, true) + "_" + sanfn;
+		while (collision_exists(mangledEncryptNames, enc_name))
+			enc_name = "e_" + toHexHash(enc_name, true) + "_" + sanfn;
+		mname = enc_name;
+	}
+	// LaTeX route
+	if (!encrypt_path) {
+		// Now the real work. Remove the extension.
+		mname = support::changeExtension(name, string());
+		// The mangled name must be a valid LaTeX name.
+		mname = sanitizeFileName(mname);
+		// Add the extension back on
+		mname = support::changeExtension(mname, getExtension(name));
+		// Prepend a counter to the filename. This is necessary to make
+		// the mangled name unique, see truncation below.
+	        //
+		static int counter = 0;
-	if (use_counter) {
 		ostringstream s;
 		s << counter++ << mname;
 		mname = s.str();
-	}
-	// MiKTeX's YAP (version 2.4.1803) crashes if the file name
-	// is longer than about 160 characters. MiKTeX's pdflatex
-	// is even pickier. A maximum length of 100 has been proven to work.
-	// If dir.size() > max length, all bets are off for YAP. We truncate
-	// the filename nevertheless, keeping a minimum of 10 chars.
-	string::size_type max_length = max(100 - ((int)dir.size() + 1), 10);
+		// MiKTeX's YAP (version 2.4.1803) crashes if the file name
+		// is longer than about 160 characters. MiKTeX's pdflatex
+		// is even pickier. A maximum length of 100 has been proven to work.
+		// If dir.size() > max length, all bets are off for YAP. We truncate
+		// the filename nevertheless, keeping a minimum of 10 chars.
-	// If the mangled file name is too long, hack it to fit.
-	// We know we're guaranteed to have a unique file name because
-	// of the counter.
-	if (mname.size() > max_length) {
-		int const half = (int(max_length) / 2) - 2;
-		if (half > 0) {
-			mname = mname.substr(0, half) + "___" +
-				mname.substr(mname.size() - half);
+		string::size_type max_length = max(100 - ((int)dir.size() + 1), 10);
+		// If the mangled file name is too long, hack it to fit.
+		// We know we're guaranteed to have a unique file name because
+		// of the counter.
+		if (mname.size() > max_length) {
+			int const half = (int(max_length) / 2) - 2;
+			if (half > 0) {
+				mname = mname.substr(0, half) + "___" +
+					mname.substr(mname.size() - half);
+			}
-	mangledNames[absFileName()] = mname;
+	(*mangledNames)[absFileName()] = mname;
 	return mname;
diff --git a/src/support/FileName.h b/src/support/FileName.h
index 95940a9235..35f182e428 100644
--- a/src/support/FileName.h
+++ b/src/support/FileName.h
@@ -288,19 +288,30 @@ public:
 	 *  - two FileName instances with the same filename have identical
 	 *    mangled names.
+	 *  @param encrypt_path will use short hash instead of path
+	 *  in the mangled name if set to true. Useful for xHTML export
+	 *  so we do not leak e.g. user names contained in the paths.
+	 *  Filename itself is stripped if the resulting filename would
+	 *  become too long (~250 chars).
+	 *  Prefix counter is not used because
+	 *  1) it's hack useful for MikTeX/YAP only
+	 *  2) causes many duplicates within the export directory across different
+	 *     LyX sessions as (unlike in LaTeX export) we use mangled names in
+	 *     final xHTML export directory.
+	 *  An example of hashed mangled case:
+	 *  C:/foo bar/baz.png - > e_95a42ec852ea_baz.png
+	 *
+	 *  It is guaranteed that
+	 *  - two different filenames have different mangled names (modulo hash collision)
+	 *  - two FileName instances with the same filename have identical hashed
+	 *    mangled names.
+	 *
+	 *
 	 *  Only the mangled file name is returned. It is not prepended
 	 *  with @c dir.
-	mangledFileName(std::string const & dir = empty_string()) const;
-	/** Identical to mangledFileName, with the following additions:
-	*
-	* @encrypt_path allows using hash (SHA-256) instead of full path.
-	* @use_counter allows disabling the counter in the filename.
-	*/
-	std::string
-	mangledFileName(std::string const & dir, bool use_counter, bool encrypt_path) const;
+	mangledFileName(std::string const & dir = empty_string(), bool encrypt_path=false) const;
 	/// \return the absolute file name without its .gz, .z, .Z extension
 	std::string unzippedFileName() const;
diff --git a/src/support/filetools.cpp b/src/support/filetools.cpp
index e8f3aa19ce..a2eba83eef 100644
--- a/src/support/filetools.cpp
+++ b/src/support/filetools.cpp
@@ -1334,13 +1334,22 @@ void fileUnlock(int fd, const char * /* lock_file*/)
-std::string toHexHash(const std::string & str)
+std::string toHexHash(const std::string & str, bool shorten)
-	// Use the best available hashing algorithm.
 	auto hashAlgo = QCryptographicHash::Sha256;
 	QByteArray hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(toqstr(str).toLocal8Bit(), hashAlgo);
-	return fromqstr(QString(hash.toHex()));
+	QString qshash=QString(hash.toHex());
+	/* For shortened case we take 12 leftmost chars (6 bytes encoded).
+	 * Random experiment shows:
+	 *  8 chars: 16 collisions for 10^5 graphic filenames
+	 * 12 chars:  0 collisions for 10^5 graphic filenames
+	 */
+	if (shorten)
+		qshash=qshash.left(12);
+	return fromqstr(qshash);
diff --git a/src/support/filetools.h b/src/support/filetools.h
index 205e7ff589..ceb1da62be 100644
--- a/src/support/filetools.h
+++ b/src/support/filetools.h
@@ -348,14 +348,16 @@ int fileLock(const char * lock_file);
 void fileUnlock(int fd, const char * lock_file);
 /** Return the hex-encoded cryptographic hash of a string.
- * The hash algorithm is not fixed, but it is determined at compile time.
  * This function is typically used to create relatively stable file names,
  * because cryptographic hash functions ensure that very small changes in the
  * input result in large changes in the output.
+ * Due to inherent limits of path length in Windows we allow very short version
+ * (effectively leftmost 6 bytes encoded via 12 chars in hex) while increasing the
+ * probability of collision (via shorten=true).
  * There is no limit in the length of the input string: it can be a file name
  * or the contents of a file, for instance.
-std::string toHexHash(const std::string & str);
+std::string toHexHash(const std::string & str, bool shorten=false);
 /// Replace non-ASCII characters to ensure that the string can be used as a
 /// file name on all platforms and as a LaTeX name.

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