Is hiding stuff behind the "more" sub-context menu intentional?

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at
Wed Nov 1 11:50:57 UTC 2023

Am Mittwoch, dem 01.11.2023 um 05:14 +0000 schrieb Isaac Oscar Gariano:
> If I have time later, I may modify the code that does the > 50​ check
> to actually count properly, as it's counting context menu items that
> don't even show up.

Yes, this would be the way to go, the current check is too dumb.

Attached is a patch that does this, considering not only hidden entries
but also the dynamic entries that are only expanded in expand() (such
as spelling suggestions). As far as I can see the result is correct.

Note, however, that this will result in shortcut conflicts with items
moved from sub- to main menu, so this effectively causes string
changes. Since string freeze that is lurking around the corner for some
time now, I am not sure if this is good to go in.

> Or you could just make the number much larger than 50​. I've
> personally not had a context menu in LyX that was too long, but users
> with higher DPI's/lower resolutions might have problems. (for example
> if I right click the menu bar I get a context menu with 49 items! but
> my screen could probably fit 6 more).

On my small laptop without HiDPI, 50 is not too short.

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