Quotes in stats

Pavel Sanda sanda at lyx.org
Mon May 8 13:45:53 UTC 2023

On Mon, May 08, 2023 at 03:21:05PM +0200, Jean-Pierre Chrétien wrote:
> So, it is clear that the French guillemets counts for 2 characters (one if
> blanks excluded),

Well, I would presume that even if we output space, it's sort of typographic
adjustment and not blank as a character but as you wish, I can easily return
2 chars instead of 1 for guillemets.
What libreoffice/word think about this situation?

> but for the : ; ? and ! characters, it would be necessary
> to count 2 characters if the punctuation sign is not preceded by a blank.

This is getting more tricky, because we generaly do look on the context when we
counting the characters (except of catching blanks/.?/etc around words).

> I suppose that you count characters in the output from the analysis of the
> characters in the LyX window, is this correct ?

Yes. Pavel

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