[PATCH] "Here Applies" module

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at lyx.org
Fri May 5 17:02:04 UTC 2023

On Fri, May 05, 2023 at 12:18:32PM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
> On 5/2/23 11:38, madmurphy wrote:
> > The hereapplies <https://ctan.org/pkg/hereapplies> LaTeX package has
> > stably been part of the CTAN repository for a while now, and a LyX
> > module
> > <https://ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/hereapplies/lyx-module>
> > is shipped with it. Will it be possible to include the module among the
> > modules installed by LyX?
> I don't see why not. Anyone else have an opinion?

Some thoughts:

1. Thanks for the work on the package and LyX module, madmurphy!

2. I think in the past we usually we ask that modules be put on the LyX wiki and marinate a bit. However, I think it might be fine to skip that step if the module is developed by the same author as the .sty file. For some reason, that gives me more confidence.

3. Another point in favor of including the module is that in 2.4.x the modules are organized into categories. I would be more hesitant for 2.3.x to add another module to the list that we're not sure there's much demand for. But because of the categories I'm not concerned as much about increasing complexity of the modules list.

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