What is missing for LyX 2.4?

Pavel Sanda sanda at lyx.org
Tue May 2 10:09:05 UTC 2023

On Sat, Apr 29, 2023 at 08:37:47AM +0100, José Matos wrote:
> Do to this I think that the best is to proceed with 2.4 release.

Ha! Now I know that 3 years of delay is making even Jose nervous :))

> What are the major roadblocks for 2.4? What needs to be done?
> I remember that at some point Scott volunteered to drive the release
> process.

>From management point of view, largely depends on Americans now.
Riki was afraid to get stuck due to new duties at his workplace
and as you correctly noted Scott offered that he might have some
capacity from Feb.
So the first thing is likely to get their feedback what they 
can/want/plan to do / or assume the command into your hands...

Technically, what we need is to finish
1) sort out remaining bugs with 2.4 target in trac
2) review/ sort out TODOs in wiki https://wiki.lyx.org/Devel/LyX24Road
2) annouce string freeze to and ask translators to do their job

> I am available to give one or both hands to the release proceed.

Triaging remaining bugs is easiest way how to move forward before
we reach some conclusion how to move forward from managerial
point of view and needs to be done anyway...


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