Bug in running external program (-shell-escape)

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at gmail.com
Sat Mar 4 08:24:58 UTC 2023

Am Freitag, dem 24.02.2023 um 11:56 +0100 schrieb Mario D:
> It looks like I have found a bug using the external library in lyx:
> if you pass the option 
> \tikzexternalize[prefix=some_dir/]
> then lyx is not able to create the subdir "some_dir" in its temporary
> working dir under the /tmp tree, which results in a compilation error
> since lyx is not able to write the necessary files.

It's not really that LyX cannot create the subdir. The problem is that
this subdir must exist beforehand (you get the same error when running
pdflatex --shell-escape manually without having manually created this
subdir before that).

I agree that LyX could do this, but then, such subdirs in the temporary
directory do not make much sense really, so running without prefix
seems like a feasible workaround.

If you really want to have this subdir for some reason, you need to
include a routine that creates it. Since you have --shell-escape
enabled anyway, the most simple solution would be:

\ShellEscape{mkdir picts}


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