Work area scrolling from outliner

Andrew Parsloe ajparsloe at
Mon Jan 30 09:41:30 UTC 2023

LyX 2.4.0-beta2 on windows 10.

I've attached a mwe. Load the mwe and reduce the height of the work area 
as in the screenshot. Click on Second in the outliner. The screen 
scrolls to display the heading Second in the work area. Now click on 
Third (or Fourth or Fifth or Sixth) in the outliner. The work area 
screen doesn't scroll. However the cursor is placed at the start of the 
heading since tapping the right arrow key immediately activates screen 
scrolling and brings the heading onscreen in the work area.

In the reverse direction, the heading clicked on in the outliner seems 
to be placed (not always but often) one line above the work area screen. 
Tapping the left arrow key scrolls the heading into view in the work area.

I noticed on a real document that this only seems to affect headings at 
the same level. Clicking in the outliner on headings at different levels 
always activated screen scrolling.

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