Bug with 2.3.8->2.4

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de
Fri Jan 27 19:42:33 UTC 2023

In a document of 2.3 I see:

|\begin_inset Graphics
     filename 3-42.jpg
     lyxscale 15
     width 15text%
     rotateOrigin center
     height 20.0theight%


Reading the file with 2.4 on macOS I see:

\begin_inset Graphics
     filename /private/tmp/3-42.jpg
     lyxscale 15
     width 15text%
     rotateOrigin center
     special height=20.0theight%


which is converted to LaTeX as


which is wrong!


Version 2.4.0-beta2 (11. Dezember 2022)

Qt-Version (Laufzeit): 6.4.1 (Plattform: cocoa)

Qt-Version (bei Erstellung): 6.4.1

OS-Version (bei Erstellung): macOS 13.1

Python-Aufruf: python3 -tt
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 petal movement rhythm as shown in figure 
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 and the motor cells shrinking and swelling leads to the closing and opening of the flowers 
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 upper and lower epidermis


Section through a 
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 petal (center) with upper epidermis (plaster epithelium,
 seen from above at the left) and lower epidermis (plaster epithelium,
 Between the upper and lower epidermis are about 15 layers of motor cells,
 which extent,
 if the turgor increases.
 The upper epidermis cells are also able to extend.
 The cells of the lower epidermis do not extent,
 but this epidermis can be bend up and down,
 depending on the turgor of the motor cells (see figure x).




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 petal movement rhythm as shown in figure 
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 and the motor cells shrinking and swelling leads to the closing and opening of the flowers 
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\emph on
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 upper and lower epidermis


Section through a 
\emph on
\emph default
 petal (center) with upper epidermis (plaster epithelium,
 seen from above at the left) and lower epidermis (plaster epithelium,
 Between the upper and lower epidermis are about 15 layers of motor cells,
 which extent,
 if the turgor increases.
 The upper epidermis cells are also able to extend.
 The cells of the lower epidermis do not extent,
 but this epidermis can be bend up and down,
 depending on the turgor of the motor cells (see figure x).




\series bold

\begin_inset ERT
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\begin_layout Plain Layout




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