2.4.0-beta-2 possible regression: Float inset stops instant preview functionality in Fedora 37 X86_64

José Matos jaomatos at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 18:37:20 UTC 2023

On Sun, 2023-01-22 at 11:46 +0000, José Matos wrote:
> This is not a difficult problem but it takes time to get all the
> packages right. It would be nice to have an automatic way to do this
> but for now I settled for the manual solution.

@Riki since you also use Fedora, but this also applies to distributors
from other distributions and OS's. What do you think it constitutes a
minimal distribution, or an average distribution, in terms of the
requirements for latex packages?

One (extreme) option would be to look into configure and depend on all
the latex packages that it searches.

In terms of implementation we can easily define other metapackages
whose sole purpose is to hold the dependencies.

An unrelated example that shows what I mean would be an hypothetical
lyx-docbook sub-package that requires all the packages necessary to
fully support the docbook tools required by LyX.
In this way we ensure that only the users who need this incur in the
space costs that comes with installing them.
The con of this approach is that it requires an one time extra step to
install the full support for docbook. After the installation the
upgrade process is the same as a standard installation.

The issue here are what it should be the standard set:
# repoquery -q --requires texlive-collection-latexextra | wc -l
# repoquery -q --requires texlive-collection-latexrecommended | wc -l
# repoquery -q --requires texlive-collection-latex | wc -l

So one option would be to jump from recommending texlive-collection-
latexrecommended to texlive-collection-latexextra... but it implies to
install more than one thousand packages (the size is small).

Choices... choices... the life is made of choices. :-D

José Abílio

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