[LyX/master] Improve LaTeX version checking

Jean-Marc Lasgouttes lasgouttes at lyx.org
Sun Jan 8 18:49:06 UTC 2023

Le 19/12/2022 à 14:20, Juergen Spitzmueller a écrit :
> commit 029adfa28cedf921ee7ee4709422441705d93520
> Author: Juergen Spitzmueller <spitz at lyx.org>
> Date:   Mon Dec 19 15:15:41 2022 +0100
>      Improve LaTeX version checking
>      Instead of having to add and individually test the versions to check
>      for, we store the current version and test on that with a specific
>      function isAvailableAtLeastFrom(package, year, month, day)
>      Currently only used for the LaTeX version, but could also be extended
>      for package versions.

This causes issues for me, where LyX tells me that enumitem.sty is not 
present (see ticket https://www.lyx.org/trac/ticket/12617).

After spending a long time looking at what is wrong with enumitem.sty, I 
figured out that every other package was missing.

The reason is there:

> @@ -55,8 +58,13 @@ void LaTeXPackages::getAvailable()
>   		case Lexer::LEX_FEOF:
>   			finished = true;
>   			break;
> -		default:
> -			packages_.insert(lex.getString());
> +		default: {
> +			string const p = lex.getString();
> +			// Parse optional version info
> +			lex.eatLine();
> +			string const v = lex.getString();
> +			packages_.insert(make_pair(p, v));

For some reason (maybe because I am in C++11 mode) the eatLine() does 
not grab the potential second part of the line, but the package name in 
the next line.

I guess we can get the full line and split it ourselves.

Jürgen, unless you have a better idea, I can do that.

Since I am on this commit, I remember that back then in December when I 
was numbed down by flu, I saw that below:

> +bool LaTeXPackages::isAvailableAtLeastFrom(string const & name,
> +					   int const y, int const m, int const d)
> +{

Is there a reason why we need that instead of comparing dates as string? 
Something like
	if (package_date >= "2015/09/01") {


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