DocBook change: use a stack of fonts
Kornel Benko
kornel at
Sat Jan 7 09:31:47 UTC 2023
Am Sat, 7 Jan 2023 03:19:39 +0100
schrieb Thibaut Cuvelier <dourouc05 at>:
> > What could you do, is to call directly to check if it working
> >
> > $ perl D:/LyX/lyx-unstable/development/autotests/
> > some_test_file.xml This should give the same error. In this case check if
> > C:/Strawberry/perl/vendor/lib/auto/XML/Parser/Expat/Expat.xs.dll exists. (Maybe it is
> > in the D: partition?)
> >
> I gave this command a try, but it didn't yield any error. Actually, I got a
> representation of the XML tree:
> C:\Users\Thibaut\Documents>perl D:/LyX/lyx-unstable/development/autotests/
> "D:\LyX\lyx-unstable\autotests\export\docbook\abstract_list.xml" \\ (lang de_DE version
> 5.2) article || #10;
> article \\ ()
> article info || #10;
> article info \\ ()
> article info title || LyX-Anpassung:
> Would it be possible that it is due to some PATH issue, correctly set when I run
> Strawberry Perl (with its own shell configuration) and not when I just add perl.exe to
> the PATH for the test suite? I see that perl.exe is in C:\Strawberry\perl\bin, while
> Expat's DLL is in C:\Strawberry\c\bin.
> In any case, I don't believe the Perl code is to blame.
In this case we could try to examine some environment of the running perl.
You could use the following statements in
open(FO, '>', "/tmp/abcd");
print FO qq(@INC);
just before
use XML::Parser;
Of course the "/tmp/abcd" is only an example. In any case, try to compare the output.
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