Primes and superscripts in mathed

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Sun Dec 3 17:21:11 UTC 2023

On 11/27/23 17:15, Andrew Parsloe wrote:
> On 27/11/2023 6:02 pm, Isaac Oscar Gariano wrote:
>> Personally, I just don't use the |'|​ in LyX at all, especially as it 
>> doesn't display correctly, and as you show, doesn't combine properly 
>> with other superscripts/subscripts.
>> Instead, I always do |^\prime|​ which looks much nicer, and lets you 
>> control things better.
>> So perhaps the code would work better if it just made |'|​ 
>> autocorrect to |^\prime|​ ?
>> (In fact I've defined my own |\pri|​ command which alters the LaTeX 
>> height of the |\prime|​ to one I like more; and ones that use the 
>> |unicode-math|​ multi-prime commands |\dprime|​, |\tprime|​, and 
>> |\qprime|​).
> I was unaware of the command \prime until looking up the TeXbook for 
> my email. I've also now made a shortcut that does what I want. Thank 
> you (but I still think LyX should handle the combination '^ better).
Can you file a bug for this?


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