Next Release?

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at
Wed Aug 30 05:36:03 UTC 2023

Am Dienstag, dem 29.08.2023 um 17:50 +0200 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
> - Not waiting for a viewer to finish & spawn multiples instances of
> viewer

Don't see this problem, but if it is there, we can go async.

>   when more result on one query is found
> - eat STDERR output to avoid mysterious crashes of spawned processes

At the moment, the script only opens the first matched file AFAICS.
This will often not be the desired one (e.g. with multiple publications
of an author per year).

What it should do, and this cannot be done inside the script:

* Return a list with all found files
* Present this list to the user in a dialog so that they can select the
desired file or abort, if the desired file is not listed.

> - allow specific arguments for specific viewers


What concerns me, security-wise, is that the current approach does not
tell the user which file will be opened after the query. Just the
keywords that will be queried. I think this is not satisfying.


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