Next Release?

Daniel xracoonx at
Tue Aug 29 12:16:01 UTC 2023

On 2023-08-29 13:16, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 08:49:30PM -0400, Richard Kimberly Heck wrote:
>>> Options are, we postpone this for 2.4.1 as this is not fileformat change.
>>> If deemed too dangerous, we can temporarily disable the feature and enable
>>> it again with the safeguards, your call here.
>> Can you remind me where all this stands? Was there a bug for this?
> Not bug, just the recent thread on ML.
> The situation as I see it:
> 1) There seems to be consesus that:
>     - we should ask the user by dialog before launching a) hyperlinks b) citation urls from bib file c) lyxpaperview searches.
>     - the dialog should have  "don't ask me again" option remembered per file
>     - the dialog should explicitly contain URL/link itself
> 2) There is hesitation whether to have general RC variable to disable the dialog above in general.
> 3) Either add security warning (tooltip?) to Control>Search drive for cited files
>     or move the whole checkbox to Converters>Security and make it obvious that way
>     The move itself makes more sense in case we go for 2 to group everything on one spot.
> The immediate security concern is covered by 1.
> 2 can be added later or never. 3 is disabled by default and hint can be added later as well.
> Pavel

I am wondering whether the "don't ask me again" choice should be 
remembered per document only for the current session. I think VC Code 
does this. Maybe since across session settings seem to be tricky to 
undo. Does that make sense? Or would that be too annoying?


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