Icon "padding"
Christopher Menzel
chris.menzel at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 22:45:42 UTC 2023
LyX folk:
There is a significant difference in the "padding" around the icons in 2.4.0-beta3 compared to 2.3.7. The difference is particularly stark when comparing 2.3.7 under MacOS <https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/8ygwtjmy07rd371bg5dpf/Screen-Shot-2023-08-26-at-5.25.51-PM.png?rlkey=eklvvbknbvgz4poa28af2r44d&dl=0> and 2.4.0-beta3 under Linux <https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/p9sjibjq3o2bwaan9g76o/Screen-Shot-2023-08-26-at-5.28.05-PM.png?rlkey=ly2set6q7om16t8f3pcq7iyh8&dl=0> (although there is still a pronounced difference between the MacOS versions); click the preceding links for screenshots — in both cases the icon size is set to "Normal". To my eye, there is way too much padding in the beta, and the 2.3.7 MacOS version gets it about right and I can't help but think that most folks would agree, at least with regard to the excessiveness of the padding in the beta. Is this something that might be addressed before the public release?
Chris Menzel
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