[#2 iteration]: Breakdown of remaining 2.4 bugs
Richard Kimberly Heck
rikiheck at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 15:27:14 UTC 2023
On 8/14/23 17:03, Pavel Sanda wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 06, 2023 at 01:52:46PM +0200, Pavel Sanda wrote:
>> All in all I see only one major Mac bug left (but not a showstopper) and few
>> cases to decide before the freeze. The rest can either wait for later time or
>> not get fixed at all -- though again there are some cases that other's people
>> input would be helpful and not hard to make (e.g. just test under qt6, give
>> opinion etc.).
>> * Blockers to decide before next release (string/format changes)
>> #11824 - References preview - Riki & ajd work on this, but there might be some hard-to-solve issues; might be deffered to later RCs, it only removes string, not add new one (currently!)
> Hi Riki,
> I reviewed once more 2.4.0 milestoned bugs and except #11824, which is really up to you, I do not see any further blocker for format/string freeze and pushing new pre-release out.
OK. I'm back from a conference and will have a look at these shortly.
Thanks for all of this.
> Pavel
Richard Kimberly (Riki) Heck
Professor of Philosophy
Brown University
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