New Theorems Module

Paul A. Rubin parubin73 at
Thu Sep 22 21:25:19 UTC 2022

On 9/19/22 22:26, Udicoudco wrote:
> I've noticed that the definition environment is not numbered in the
> output files. After checking the module again, I hope there are no
> issues any more. The fixed module is attached.
> Regards,
> Udi
I noticed a new pathology with this version. Steps to reproduce are as 

 1. Compile the test_thmtools_module.lyx document (which works fine).
 2. Delete the entire contents of section 2, other than the section
    heading, and recompile. I've attached the PDF I get. Note the
    garbled contents where the theorem lists go.
 3. Make any minor edit to the document (to force a fresh compile) and
    recompile. The output is as expected.


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