Wiki problems and where to report them

Lorenzo Bertini lorenzobertini97 at
Thu Sep 1 11:48:30 UTC 2022


the state of Lyx wiki seems not very healthy. Many pages are outdated 
(some haven't been updated in 12 years) and groups have grown too much 
so that they now contain maybe too many pages.

Many times I wanted to find something it takes a long time to navigate 
through the groups and categories, and when i found it it's usually very 
outdated and mentions tools not existing anymore. I can start maybe 
updating some pages with what I know, but there are some things I just 
can't do as user.

Where do I report for example that this page has not been updated in years 
and needs to be merged with Or that and are 
basically the same thing and can be merged?

Also, I found a cool cookbook recipe for PmWiki that allows blocks of 
code with highlighting, which is something I really miss here:

Big thanks,


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