[LyX/master] AA not longer exists in CTAN; deleting section on AA.

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 16:29:24 UTC 2022

Am Mittwoch, dem 30.11.2022 um 13:55 +0100 schrieb Pavel Sanda:
> Good question.  Jürgen. I have Googled each class I have checked and,
> so far, A&A is the only class which I have found which still exists
> outside CTAN.

Right, and this has always been the case (it was never on CTAN). My
point was that existence on CTAN is not necessarily a condition to meet
for LyX support, as long as the class/package is maintained and well
receivable (as seems to be the case for A&A).

Note that I don't use this class myself, I was just wondering about
your rationale. Having written that, I wonder whether the mentioning
only of some (usually rather old) classes in Additional makes sense at
all, as long as we do exclude other cases just per coincidence. Except
maybe for the standard classes and general classes such as KOMA or
Memoir. Maybe these documentations should go to separate manuals
(rather than being deleted). 


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