Baby steps towards more frequent major releases

Richard Kimberly Heck rikiheck at
Sat Nov 26 20:55:38 UTC 2022

On 11/26/22 15:17, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> The last few years have been atypical, but even before then I think most
> of us were in favor of more frequent major releases.

Yes, I think that would be a very good idea, though I do not know how 
much time I'll have to devote to LyX. It seems likely I'll be taking on 
a heavy administrative load in my department starting next year.

> 4. I will try to work on the release scripts and automate as much as
>     possible.

The script at development/tools/lyx-build is intended to produce a 
tarball with minimal intervention. It works in most cases, though I've 
occasionally seen bugs.

> 5. We should produce snapshot binaries (i.e., testing releases that
>     aren't necessarily at a stage with criteria) more frequently.

I think lyx-build can do this for tarballs. It's just a matter of 
actually running it and posting the thing, then getting the binaries built.


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