Help with patch to display frame number in LyX display

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at
Sat Nov 26 10:30:35 UTC 2022

Am Samstag, dem 26.11.2022 um 08:58 +0100 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> In theory, this should also work via the layout by increasing the
> layout's SecNumDepth value (to 4), but it doesn't work for me.

No, the layout's SecNumDepth only determines the default depth set in
the class (this decides whether the \secnumdepth counter is changed in
the LaTeX output). This shouldn't be changed.

IMO this shows that our counters are intricately bound to the LaTeX
output. Beamer frames have no counter in the output, so if you want to
have it counted in the LyX workarea, you have to live with these
shortcomings currently (either adjust numbering in document settings or
have the frames on a wrong hierarchy level).

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