Help with patch to display frame number in LyX display

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at
Sat Nov 26 02:55:34 UTC 2022

The attached patch (thanks to racoon!) is one of my favorite patches
that I apply locally. I find it helpful to know the frame numbers of the
frames, especially when I'm going back and forth with the PDF output.

The main problem with the patch is that for some reason to get it to
work we needed to change:

  TocLevel         4


  TocLevel         3

This change causes some annoyances and in theory I don't think it should
be needed. However, without the change the LabelString doesn't show up
at all. Is it a LyX bug that the LabelString in the patch doesn't show
up when TocLevel is set to 4? Any hint on how I can get the desired
behavior without changing the TocLevel of Frame?

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