[PATCH] Allow removing words from the personal dictionary, that weren't previously added

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 11:25:13 UTC 2022

Am Sonntag, dem 20.11.2022 um 12:01 +0100 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:
> It works for me with Hunspell (note that the lists are only saved
> upon
> LyX closure).
> What I find odd, though, is the naming in the menu. When I click on a
> word that is in the main dictionary, e.g. "table", it offers me to
> "Remove from personal dictionary". But this is wrong. It doesn't
> remove
> it from any dictionary, but adds it on personal exclusion list. So
> the
> menu entry here should read "Treat this word as incorrect".
> Likewise, if I "un-ignore" such a word, the menu offers me to "Add to
> personal dictionary". This is wrong as well. Should read
> "Don't treat this word as incorrect".

Also, I think that if a word is removed from the personal dictionary,
it should only be removed from that list, _not_ additionally added to
the exclusion list.


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