Question on Multiple Render Passes

Daniel xracoonx at
Wed Jan 12 08:41:15 UTC 2022

On 12/01/2022 06:44, Joel Kulesza wrote:
> LyX Developers,
> A colleague asked me a question the other day on how LyX operates that I 
> was unsure of, which I hope you can help me with.  He'd read that an 
> approach to "speeding up" multiple render-pass LaTeX compilations is to 
> use draft-mode compiles for all but the final compile and wondered 
> whether this is what LyX does.  If not, is there a way to invoke this to 
> assess performance impact?
> I'm sorry if I'm missing something obvious.
> Any thoughts you can share would be much appreciated.
> Thank you,
> Joel

Is there a way to detect whether a further compile is needed or not in 
advance of a compile? Otherwise, this approach would mean that there 
will be one extra compile (without draft-mode when no more compiles are 
needed). Might still be faster but it's less clear.


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