Quick newbie question

Lorenzo Bertini lorenzobertini97 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 1 18:01:31 UTC 2022

Il 01/01/22 17:54, Lorenzo Bertini ha scritto:
> Dear list,
> I found a bug and needed to bisect, so i moved back HEAD to an old 
> commit, then configured and built. I went back to master and can't build 
> anymore because its missing `nod.hpp` file; no git command seems to 
> restore this file (git reset --hard, creating a new master branch 
> tracking origin/master, etc).
> I would like not to clone again as its very slow, but all I find on the 
> internet are commands I already tried. What should i do?
> Thank you in advance,
> Lorenzo (lynx)

Update: file was never gone, just in its folder "3rdparty". Compilation 
now works after countless attemps, and I didn't really change anything :).

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