Purpose of outline's "Table of Contents"?

Daniel xracoonx at gmx.de
Tue Feb 22 19:30:30 UTC 2022

On 2022-02-22 14:02, Thibaut Cuvelier wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Feb 2022 at 13:40, Jürgen Spitzmüller <spitz at lyx.org 
> <mailto:spitz at lyx.org>> wrote:
>     Am Di., 22. Feb. 2022 um 13:00 Uhr schrieb Daniel <xracoonx at gmx.de
>     <mailto:xracoonx at gmx.de>>:
>         I am wondering what the purpose of the "Table of Contents" in the
>         Outliner is. Is it supposed to show those elements that actually
>         appear
>         in the "Table of Contents"? Or all "Sectioning"/"Headings"
>         independently
>         of whether they actually appear in the TOC.
>         Currently, it seems to rather do the latter than the former
>         because it
>         also lists "starred" sectioning entries that don't go into the TOC.
>     Yes. Also Frames in beamer and other structural elements. One
>     purpose is to easily move around parts of the document.
>         Maybe a renaming would be worthwhile in order to not confuse the
>         two?
>     I figure the most common term is actually "outline". Or "document
>     structure".
> The Outline pane does more than just the sections of the document, it 
> would be really weird to rename the ToC "Outline". "Document structure" 
> seems better.
> (By the way, Google Docs has a "Outline" pane and Word a "Navigation" 
> one, for the same purpose.)

I noticed that when one clicks on a "Table of Contents" command inset, 
the Outline with the "Table of Contents" opens. So, I guess that 
connection is not ideal either currently because not only TOC entries 
are shown.

Another alternative would be to leave the Outline entry as "Table of 
Contents" but add a special indication (italics? star in front?) for 
entries that are not visible in the TOC? (I also thought about the 
"Show" "All items"/"Only output items"/"Only non-output items" function 
but that would be ambiguous between the item being visible at all in the 
output - which is what is usually means - and being visible in the TOC.)

This could also incorporate the information from "Numbering & TOC" - 
"Apears in TOC" in Document Settings. I guess it would be nice if one 
could get a picture of what does and does not appear in the TOC directly 
from the outliner.

Another example is the bibliography that as of 
https://www.lyx.org/trac/changeset/a89e3c344b/lyxgit generates a 
bibliography entry but only when in the TOC. I guess it should always 
generate an entry in the Outline (for navigation purposes) but maybe one 
with a special indication (see above) when it is not in the TOC?


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