(No Subject)

ehud.behar at protonmail.com ehud.behar at protonmail.com
Sun Feb 20 21:58:16 UTC 2022

I am working with LyX for about a month and everything works just fine.

Today I created a module to customize my document and the editor.

A little while after inserting this module I started getting this message every time I open the document, or when trying to export it to pdf.

SIGSEGV signal caught!
Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX, hope you have not lost any data.
Please read the bug-reporting instructions in 'Help-Introduction' and send us a bug
report, if necessary.Thanks!
Bye.Show Details..

The details can be found [here](https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/2258501).

I have no idea how to get information out of these details. I hope the dev team can give some insight. The way I think of solving this problem locally for me is simply to uninstall and reinstall LyX, something I prefer not to do.

Mac OS 12.1
Qt Version (run-time): 5.12.9
Qt Version (compile-time): 5.12.9

I have created a module file that inserts a new environment called "marginfigure" that works with the sidenotes package, and a module that creates the environment "question", that works together with amsthm and thmtools.
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