Advanced find does not search in deactivated branches

Scott Kostyshak skostysh at
Thu Feb 17 21:44:18 UTC 2022

On Thu, Feb 17, 2022 at 03:02:00PM +0100, Kornel Benko wrote:
> Am Thu, 17 Feb 2022 07:55:10 -0500
> schrieb Scott Kostyshak <skostysh at>:
> > In the attached, if I do an advanced find with 2.4.04dev for $\coloneqq$, it is not
> > found. If I then activate the branch, it is found. Is this a feature or a bug?
> > 
> > Scott
> Feature, since exported latex does not contain these data, and we use
> latex output as a search-source.

Ah that makes sense. Indeed now I see that even LyX notes aren't

It feels a bit strange from a user perspective though since vanilla find
does search in deactivated branches. Also, the user does not know the
implementation (i.e., searching the LaTeX output). That said, it sounds
like it would be complicated to ask for LaTeX output from all insets.

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