LyX 2.3 and 2.4 have troubles displaying EPS images

José Abílio Matos jamatos at
Wed Feb 9 13:28:59 UTC 2022

On Wednesday, 9 February 2022 13.17.29 WET Daniel wrote:
> eps is a vector image, png is a bitmap. so, this might not be a
> desirable solution depending on what is to be achieved.

A small nitpick, eps allows vector images but it does not require it.
It is perfectly possible to have an eps that holds a raster representation and 
looking only to the size of the file that is  possibility to consider.

> Also, the LaTeX output shows the eps just fine. So why doesn't LyX?

It should but the handling of eps is not a simple mater. :-)

José Abílio
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