Semantic line feeds

José Matos jaomatos at
Sun Dec 18 20:05:30 UTC 2022

On Sun, 2022-12-11 at 21:16 -0500, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
> That would be ideal, but I don't know if anyone will volunteer to do
> this.
> Scott

I can do it since this is important for lyx2lyx.

What I do not like of the new feature is that I get examples like this:

$ diff -u old.lyx new.lyx
-The paradigm is called REPL: Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop.
+The paradigm is called REPL:
+ Read,
+ Evaluate,
+ Print,
+ Loop.

So in this case I had previously a sentence in a single line but now it
is split into four.

Was that the initial intent?

Best regards,
José Abílio

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