Is loading inputenc with two encodings a bug?

Jürgen Spitzmüller jspitzm at
Sat Dec 17 08:44:29 UTC 2022

Am Freitag, dem 16.12.2022 um 10:32 -0500 schrieb Scott Kostyshak:
> Attached is a .lyx file that produces the following code when
> exported
> with LaTeX (pdflatex):
>   \usepackage[latin9,cp1255]{inputenc}
> Ulrike Fisher points out the following [1]:
>   \usepackage[latin9,cp1255]{inputenc} doesn't make any sense, your
>   files can't have two encodings at the same time.
> Should I make a trac ticket for this?

Yes. Of course a file can have multiple encodings, and encodings can be
switch via \inputencoding with a file. The inputenc package, however,
only expects one option. It sets the latter to the inputencoding at at
package loading time, which is cp1255 here.

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